Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New fun - New goals

 I love the outdoors.  I love being active.  I love our kids.
 So, we are getting out and active together!  The big boys have their own bikes.  Some rides though, Kace, our 5 year old, rides on the trail-a-bike.  Our little man, who will be 1 year old this month, rides up front in the Yepp Mini.  It is the best thing ever!!
 Some rides I just take the baby.  He loves his rides!  Our first times out we only went a few miles.  Sunday, we did 5 in the morning and then 10 in the evening.  Today, we went 12 all in one outing!  He did have to stop and nurse after 52 minutes but I didn't have a problem with that.
Our new goal is to go 75 miles a week total between riding, walking, and biking.  I think we will be able to do it most weeks.  We are already at 30.5 and it is only Tuesday afternoon!